sábado, 26 de abril de 2008

Shaved Legs and Cycling — Ask Chewbacca

Today’s Amgen Tour of California website asks Ian Lurie “Why the shaved legs”?

Bicycle.net, ever on the cutting edge of bicycle blogging journalism got an exclusive interview with a famous cycling Wookie who breaks with tradition.

Why The Shaved Legs?By Chewbacca (translated from Wookie using Babelfish)

Whenever I tell anyone that I raced for fun a long time ago, the first question is almost a sure thing:

“Why don’t you shave your legs?!”

And lose all my sponsorship money?!? Have you ever seen a hairless Wookie? It’s not a pretty sight.
So, why don’t Wookie cyclists shave their legs? I’ll answer to the best of my ability. I’ve never given a straight answer to anyone, but I’ll try:

NOT Because it’s Faster

I guess that, in the strictest terms, shaving your legs will make you a bit more aerodynamic. But c’mon. You can get a bigger advantage by removing your heavy blaster gun and bandolero. Have you seen the pushing and shoving on the Tour? Ever seen someone with a cat dander allergy? A lot of cyclists have respiratory problems so they keep their distance from my fur.

Note: In water, it’s a different story. Wookies have no problems with unseen creatures in Death Star garbage compactors, but you don’t want to be near a wet Wookie. It’s why you won’t see us in triathlons, ever. And trust me, wet Wookies smell. Bad. Really bad. Stick your thumbs in your eye sockets and rip your head off bad.

NOT Because It’s Cool

Some folks suggest that it’s just because other racers do it, and we’re all joiners.
Gotta tell ya… chicks dig hairy guys. Who got the babes at college? The long-haired guys. Yeah, it might cost a second or two, but if you don’t place well in a race, cuddling with a gal after a race can take the sting right out of a loss. Ask a shaved guy who comes in 43rd. He is NOT going to get lucky that night. Me? I gotta chase the cycling groupies away with a lightsaber.
NO Because Of Accidents

Humans on motorcycles wear leather to protect from road rash. Wookie pelts have similar protective qualities. We hit the pavement and the outer layer of fur kind of slides and is almost frictionless. I’ve never seen a Wookie with road rash.

The Wookie

So, there you have it. In my opinion, you humans shave your legs out of self-preservation. No amount of glamour, glory or coolness would ever make it worth it for this Wookie. I’ll grant that I envy Ian Lurie’s ease in dealing with wiping off guano while in motion.
About the Author

Chewbacca has been a bike messenger, competitive cyclist, bicycle tourist and occasional co-pilot for Han Solo. He now lives in Venice, where he is VP of Sales for Revlon in the hair products division.

Mateirial novo transportado com muito cuidado...

Aê galera.. foto do material sendo levado pro pé da montanha... Temos que providenciar o Rack. Apesar do peso das bikes terem diminuido consideravelmente, não levo fé nesses suportes.

terça-feira, 22 de abril de 2008

e ai pessoal

muito bom nosso pedal do feriado

embora às vezes ns sentíssemos quase enforcados

como o Tiradentes... mas foi muito bom

gostaria de fazer uma enquete aqui respondendo as seguintes questões:

*o que achou do seu equipamento?

*o que achou do seu desempenho?

*até onde pretende chegar nos próximos 60 dias?

*a metodologia de treinos vai ser suficiente?

a foto entitula-se: onde está o Limãozinho????